Friday, 20 April 2012


This is maybe my last post for this semester as we are going to end the session soon. Before it ends, VIVA PRESENTATION WILL BE HELD NEXT WEEK. THIS IS WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO EXPRESS FOR THE LAST TIME.
In my opinion viva presentation is a very tough presentation even though it might look easy. As a DEC student,we are used to presentation,however in Viva Presentation there are certain criteria that need to be fulfill which is
  • We need to choose one article from our assignment
  • We should present it in front of 6 panelist which is our own classmate
  • There are certain amount of time given for us to present and for the panelist to ask questions.
Even though the panelist is just our classmate,but I think this is the biggest opportunity ever for all of us to show dissatisfaction in a polite, academic and acceptable way.

*Viva presentation is the last task for us before we ended this semester. It will be conducted next week and I am the in the group 6. I am looking forward to this Viva Presentation and I would like to wish all the best to all my classmates.
Before we ended this session, I would like to thank and put my highest gratitude to THE AWESOME FANTASTIC SIR MARK for being a very great Critical Literacy Lecturer. You made our lesson alive and I hope to have your guidance in the next semester. It was a great moment with you and all the classmates. Thank you so much. 


All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.
Misha Hisham, 2012

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